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This Week's Blog Posts:

9/29- I read somewhere that it's the best time to be a developer right now. Technology has never been more available and accessible. Also, the demand for more content and more games is even bigger. I agree to a certain extent. However, I also see the hunger in the eyes of developers and filmmakers that rival that demand.

But I have to ask, where is the new content? Why are we still wringing out the last drops of fandom and nostalgia? I also ask, why aren't filmmakers making those amazing story ideas come to life with this new plethora of resources available?

Well, a lot of times the ideas are so complex and overwhelming, that filmmakers get stuck in a "creativity coma". They want to do it all, but the numbers are incalculable.

So what now? You have to start small. Get into the habit of reaching attainable goals, follow your heart and turn off your brain. Make a rough version or a small prototype of a small concept. If you only have the time, emotional strength, patience or sanity for something small, why not make the small sample and share it with the world?

When someone gives me a free sample of an amazing dish, I feel inclined to go eat there. Without the small taste, I would be unaware of the amazing quality and talent they have to offer. So I encourage every artist, filmmaker and developer out there. Make glimpses of your talent and quality. Enough for you to come out of the other side looking like a champ, and get the attention of people who can push your craft forward, people like investors, sponsors and, most importantly, fans.

Working on:

  • What's my next video?
  • What's my next game?
  • What's my next comic?
