Great things are happening at Aperture Eye Films!

Written by: Joel Otero

I am proud to say that we're still alive and kicking. Great things have happened during this month and I have to talk about it.

          My brother offered me a job a couple of weeks ago at SnD Games. I took it and here I am, working from home again. :)

        He and I began working on a game idea that I can't talk about, but I'm very excited to be working on it. I'm also working on several other projects for them that are really cool. It's great!

        I got reacquainted with two film buddies from the past that are really good at what they do, Andy Sipe and Albert Viñas. The later of the two [Albert] has decided to join my team in Film and Animation. He will bring amazing art and talent to Aperture Eye Films. He's a great guy and a brilliant mind. Welcome aboard Mr. Viñas!

Can't wait to show you some new cool videos and artwork from Aperture Eye Films as well as some cool new games from SnD Games. It's going to be a great 2014! Cheers!

What would you like to see more of from Aperture Eye Films? Any ideas? Leave a comment below! 

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