Kookie Story Time Returns!?

You miss me?

What up JOELERS! Kookie is back with another "riveting" video!!!

This video took me about 5-6 hours to make, so it's super rough. I wanted to express my angst for Friday Feelings I get. I usually feel really depressed on Mondays and can barely get anything done for Aperture Eye Films, but right around Friday morning I get super inspired to make these crazy time consuming projects. (projects that would take about a year for a fully staffed production company to make) So of course I can't make any of them and I'm left defeated week after week. So I decided to make a video about it. In which format, you ask? (of course not) In the very "popular" Kookie Story Time "format".

I'm busting my butt trying to make more interesting videos for you JOELERS out there. I'm going to try to release new content more often. It really benefits the blog, channel, whatever. An hopefully I'll get better with practice. The content will get better as well. (I hope)

Thanks for reading and watching my videos! Joel Out!

Other Videos you might enjoy:

*watching these videos really helps me out. 
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Thanks as always. See you next post!

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Checkout Pokemon Tower Defense 3: Legacy!!!

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